Friday, 16 January 2015

The little tank that could

Greetings folks,

I've been slowly working through the test model for my IDF, the M51 Isherman we saw last time. At long last I can happily say it is complete. I was going to invest in some weathering powders and really dust it up but, to be honest, I'm so pleased with how it looks I won't bother as I'm scared of spoiling it. So here we are, the first M51 from my 60th Armoured Brigade detachment.

 photo WP_20150116_001.jpg

 photo WP_20150116_003.jpg

 photo WP_20150116_005.jpg

 photo WP_20150116_007.jpg

Next in the spray booth is the rest of the platoon, another two tanks, accompanied by the company commander. Beyond that I've got the 2iC's M51, another platoon of three M51s, two Sho'ts, two Magachs (with another two en route), a full infantry platoon with half tracks and a 25 pounder battery to get through. Can't guarantee I'll do any of this next, but stranger things have happened. . . 

Until next time! 


  1. Is it brush painted Dave? It looks great for a tester, adding a wee bit of dust won't ruin it; remember less is more.

  2. Main colour was pre-shaded, airbrushed and drybrushed; everything else was a W&N 00 and a crapload of patience.

    I'm still swithering over some Tamiya desert weathering powders, but I'll use them for DAK, IDF and UAR so they might be a good buy.
