A wise man once said "start as you mean to go on" but a slightly lazier man once said "why do today what you can put off until tomorrow."
I was planning to do this over the weekend but I've been talked into taking on some overtime at work so I figured I'd put an update on here today and actually give you lovely lot something to look at! As promised, today's update is the first of many that will involve Flames of War. This game is probably my game of the moment as it combines fairly simple rules and easily acquired models with my favourite period in history: the second world war.
My previous efforts with Flames have been a little sporadic and over the years I've picked up a variety of models with little semblance of a plan, something which has resulted in an erratic and slightly incompatible collection of stuff. I an attempt to prevent that from happening in future, I've decided to limit myself to not just a single period or single theatre, but a single campaign. That campaign is Market Garden, and I'll be collecting and painting American, German and British forces for all the major units that took part. Additionally, I'll be putting together a large selection of terrain appropriate for battles in The Netherlands. All of that is to come in the future, and for now I'm just trying to do the impossible and paint a full and usable force (I've never once achieved this in over a decade of wargaming!). That force is as follows. . .
101st Airborne Parachute Company
- Company HQ
- Three rifle platoons with three small squads each
- MG platoon with four MGs and one bazooka
- Mortar platoon with four tubes
- Airborne AT platoon with two guns, bazookas and jeeps
- Airborne artillery battery with four tubes
- Irish Guards troop with two Shermans and two Fireflies
All in all this list comes in at 1750 points, though as I've only played two or three games of third edition I have no idea if this list will actually work. Guess I'll have to find out the hard way. A pre painted picture of the force is below, along with pictures of the platoons I have painted thus far.
1750 points list
HQ section with MG platoon's bazooka
MG platoon
First rifle platoon
Second rifle platoon
Currently have the third platoon work in progress just now, hoping to get them done within the next few days and then probably move on to some of the fun stuff.
Until next time folks!